
PwnageTool 2.0.3

 FW 2.0.2 脱獄用にリリースされた Mac用 PwnageTool 2.0.3 ですが、iPhone-Dev Team より iPod touch での問題が発見されたのでUpdateまで待つようにアナウンスされています。
 尚, Windows 用 QuickPwn betaでも問題が有る様ですが、こちらは64bit版Windowsでの症状の様です。 脱獄ファンの方は少々待った方が良いかも。 (iPod Touch で試そうと思ってましたがちょっと据え置き..... FW 2.0.1 >> 2.0.2 で問題報告もあるし)  


We’ve had some issues with iPod touch devices and the latest version of PwnageTool for the Mac, in certain conditions incorrect permissions will be used and the keychain doesn’t save passwords. So hold on and wait for the next release, we’ll push out the updated version via Sparkle as soon as it is tested (it is being tested right now). We have also encountered some issues with the Windows Beta of QuickPwn, and we have a release candidate here that should fix the issues seen with 64-bit Windows versions and should be able to be used with all versions of Windows, but as with all beta software other bugs may be present